Writing_0807_New beginning


영어쓰기 방법

1. 우선 글을 쓴 후,
2. 간단히 체킹을 한 글을 아래에 추가합니다. 

Tip. 쓰기 할 때

+ 손으로 쓰는게 가장 좋다고 해요. 저는 차선으로 여기에 쓰고 있습니다. 
+ 글을 쓴 후 문법, 단어 등 체크하기는 불필요하다는 의견이 있습니다. 저도 동의하지만 지금은 하고 싶어서 추가하고 있습니다. Rephrazing 바꾸어 말하기도 좋구요.

1. About blood type

As I was watching a episode of youtube '영국남자', I found that English high school students don't know what their blood types are. It sounds odd. I wonder Why English people don't teach them to memorize their blood types. 

Mostly, each Korean knows their own blood types. 

I think that is reasonable and scientific. Imagine when someone wants to know your blood type to save your life. How about that? Don't you concur with it? That is a matter of saving lives.

As I was watching an episode of '영국남자' on YouTube, I noticed that ​English high school students don't know their blood types. This seemed strange to me, and I wondered why English people don't teach them to memorize their blood types.

In Korea, it's common for most individuals to know their own blood type. I find this practice reasonable and scientific. Just imagine a situation where someone needs to know your blood type in order to save your life. What do you think about that? Don't you agree? It's a matter of saving lives.

*this practice 관행

Blood types

Q. 여러분은 어떤 재미있는 방법으로 하고 계시나요? 
